Everything could change when you sneeze
In that infintessimessal explosion of chaos
The lights could go out
The bomb could drop
Your hair might turn white and fall out
You could gain or lose twenty pounds
Or the shops could shut
Everything in theory stops when you sneeze
The particle accelerator inside my head collides
With a cerebral big bang between branes
Eleven dimensional raspberry ripples
Ripple down the creaky wafer chain
And nothing ever tastes the same
At least not for ten minutes
It turns out everything does change when you sneeze
In that volcano of hot air and luke-warm lava
A thousand dust mites do the triple triple salko
The dog barks and hides
Mum drops a plate and it smashes
Dad does disgusted and goes on watching the match
And your sister wipes down her arm with her jumper
Everything hurts when I sneeze
Soon after my arms throb electrically
And I pick my embedded teeth out of the wall
Using my fist I stuff my lungs back in my chest
And stick my nose back on with sellotape
Two fingers pop both my eyes back in black holes
I vow that next time I will put my hand over my mouth
dogfrog's poetry bucket 2004
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