
September 9, 2004

How The Dead Evolved

I said that I would contribute to a poetry collection on behalf on the Stroke Association. I wanted to write something sympathetic and empathetic but somehow things don't work out the way you think they're gonna. It's not finished by any means so any suggestions are welcome.

If you would like to donate a poem then click

How The Dead Evolved

Michelangelo’s David, plastered with bruises

Nudged by a wheelie bin bomb blast

It says ‘All meat and no veg’ on my ticket

Topped with spontaneity treacle

Concertinaed like some fucked up Action Man

Nothing does what it’s supposed to

There are sensitive parts all over

But mostly I am numb

Irritation FM begins at six

Between the sores and you undressing

How expensive are memories?

dogfrog's poetry bucket 2004

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