I’ve done a lot of things for Ray in the time that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and sleeping with him. I’ve lent him six hundred quid, taxed his van, filled out his passport application, picked him up from
Perhaps I’m being made to work this hard for a reason and I hope to God that it all pays off. If you didn’t know me, you’d think I was quite wild, sulky, independent and outgoing. I’m quite the opposite. People naturally think I dye my hair and wear outrageous things to draw attention to myself when on the whole, it’s to repel them. Ray can be cruel. Once he told me that I was re-enforcing a stereotype. He said “Every little girl who sees you on the street knows they don’t want to look like you.” He says these profound things without even knowing what they mean and it’s hard to tell whether he knows the significance of his own words, even in hindsight. I have a good memory and occasionally I’ll remind him of the things he’s said when he least expects it.
Now that there is a possibility that Trudie is dead, I don’t expect Ray to be anymore helpful. He finally phoned late last night saying that he and Mike were banged up in some detention centre near
The thing that I’m about to do for Ray is totally off the scale. It’s a risk but in my view it’s worth taking. If I don’t do this there’s a chance that my fool boyfriend will be banged up for a further five years and if I do it…well let’s just hope that he never finds out. There’s the doorbell now. I’ll let you watch. I have shut Zac in the kitchen.
DCI CUTLER ducks and steps inside Beth’s cottage
BETH: Beth. Come in. (sarcastically)
DCI CUTLER: You’re not going to be difficult are you Elizabeth? I mean, either way, you’re the winner here aren’t you?
BETH: How do you mean?
DCI CUTLER approaches Beth from behind, lifts up her hair and kisses her neck
DCI CUTLER: Well, this way, you get your boyfriend back and you get to be laid by me. (smirks)
BETH: I hadn’t thought of it like that, I guess I am a lucky girl after all.
DCI CUTLER: Mmm…that’s it
BETH: What is your name?
BETH: Lesley?
DCI CUTLER: Say it louder
BETH: Lesley! (shouts)
DCI CUTLER rips open his shirt and spins Beth round He takes her hands and rubs them over his chest.
DCI CUTLER: Now chew it, chew it
Beth chews DCI CUTLER’s grey chest hair
That’s all you’re getting, suffice to say Ray and Mike get out of clink on DCI Lesley Cutler’s say so. It was embarrassing enough being with someone older than my dad but when it came down to it, it was all strangely non-sexual. Throughout I thought about what I was gonna say to Ray and Mike when they came back. The only way I was going to be able to look them in the eye was to be angry with them and I certainly had good cause.
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