
July 30, 2004

100 Days

1. First and by no means last, this came in late yesterday from Sue McGoo. Lemmings

2. Is it just me or is John Kerry's language sloppy? I don't mean the content, I'm talking about the detail.

"I will be a commander in chief who will never mislead us into war."

I think he should be talking about you rather than us

I also think the tone is weak.

"As President, I will wage this war with the lessons I learned in war."

There is no self fulfulling element in his language, he has to try and make it up.
"Now, I'm not one to read into things, but guess which wing of the hospital the maternity ward was in? I'm not making this up. I was born in the West Wing!"

Generally there was alot of I, me and us rather than you and yours in the speech and I guess this is because he is trying to market himself harder. A fools errand. No matter what you think about Bush, in America he does appeal to the working man. For all his lack of education and apparent dumbness, he does have an interesting and distinctive voice that people recognize instantly. Clinton had that too with all his rasping. Kelly is not going to win any personality competition so I'd say do what you can but hit him on idealogical grounds. Sadly, I think Bush will win again because he knows how to.

3. After 50 years of motoring hell, it's like an epiphany. Hallelujah

4. Ooh, Ooh, new Batman film next year.

5. Following my runnaway success in Starlight Express, I decided to audition for Mamma-Mia I was surprised to learn that they want me for a matinee show in Tokyo, the only one that they do in English. I told them to stick it, its Broadway or nothing for me honey. Mum's got other plans for me anyway I'm sure.

6. We get our hot beverages from upstairs in the staff room, a walk of perhaps 3-4 minutes depending on the nap of the carpet. We have noticed that when we get coffee, we spill more than if we have tea or no milky hot drinks. I proposed that this is something to do with surface tension (viscosity), but Joe suspects that there are psychological reasons for the spillages. Joe put forward the theory that subconsciously we desire the coffee more and we are over eager to get back to our desks and drink it, hence the spillages. I prefer my theory it just sounds like great bad science.

7. Has anyone got an animatronic panther they're not using?

8. Last night in bed all I could hear was the sound of chainsaws in the forest somewhere. This was about 1am. We get somewhere in the region of 15 grisly murders a year in the Valley. Either that or the kids had strapped nightvision goggles to their helmets and had gone out on their scramblers.

9. My sister is back from India on Sunday at about 5.30 which means I should get my presents about 8. Apparently she's got me some linen shirts.

10. Debra who I work with has a blog too as it turns out.

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