
July 15, 2004

15th July 2004

1. Ellen MacArthur. Wow you really can't get much more ballsy that her can you? I'd join her fan club just for the chance to bounce up and down on her boat. Yes I know. I do have a huge desire to travel round the world on an old ship like the Matthew or something a bit bigger perhaps.

2. So if writing is heavenly and editing is divine, why does editing an economics lecturer's web pages feel like purgatory?

3. Academics are supposed to have a reasonable grasp of their chosen language, how to successfully construct an argument and how to explain a simple concept to another individual aren't they? There is a high volume of fuckwittage going on here today, let me tell you. Aaargh, my own spelling and grammar are falling apart now. It's like playing golf with a hacker.

4. I wouldn't normally be one for nanny-state-stylee TV programmes like the one I mentioned yesterday, (You are what you eat) and the one I saw last night (How clean is your house?), mainly because in under normal circumstances we wouldn't need these programmes. Such extreme economies produce extreme social behaviour which is being reflected on our screens. I mean, tramps keep their bins in better nick.

5. I'm a big fan of Ben Goldacre's column in the Guardian.

6. It's been a bit of hectic day here at Dogfrog Towers (an imaginary place in my head). I haven't burned as many grey calories since the great dribbling super macro drama of the early nineties. Still it turns out that the old magic is still there.

7. Watch The Secret Agent tonight at 9pm on BBC one. Those cowardly BNP fuckers. Grrrrrr...Ribbitt.

8. My mate Martin is back from Cairo on business where it was 42 degrees. How on earth do you bear it Nancy? I'd spend most of my life in the fridge.

9. Apparently there are two types of people in this life, those who steal and those who are stolen from. Which one are you?


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