1. The fight against the BNP took a step back yesterday. Interesting documentary for armchair liberals to sit back and say "Isn't that awful" but why give that weak, larded, shit-for-brains Nick Griffin 20 mins on every single news channel. Why? Five years ago he wouldn't have had the luxury of such a platform to spout his vomitous invect. He must be laughing hard and further secure in his bilious views today. Now Griffin has it in his mind he is fighting the government. Ironically if he is jailed, for some people he will have gained matyrdom in his own right. That's how fucked up it is to ever entertain such mediocre apologists. He's not even very good at what he does which is all the more frightening. I'm surprised that Blunkett hasn't waded in and said something to jeapordize any prosececution such is his guile and cunning.
2. The Butler Report. Actually I'm more interested in how this whole war will be remembered by history. They say that 50 years has to pass before anyone can objectively view an event in historical terms. But I'm sticking with the history is dead principle. Three different takes on the war.
"In 2002 Britain and the USA invaded Iraq in order to remove an evil dictator after he had defied twelve years of UN resolutions."
"In 2002 Britain and the USA ignored suspect intelligence and invaded Iraq to secure oil supplies against a backdrop of an increasingly unstable Saudi state."
"In 2002 Britain and the USA removed Saddam Hussein from power, creating a power vacuum in the middle east. The country became a melting pot for terrorists and foreign fighters which were to plague the West for decades."
Three statements from a fictional future all with very different emphasis. We have moved away from a single view of history (perhaps conspiracy theories were the mould for this.) As events occur there is an enormous amount of analysis and coverage. It will be difficult to sum up something as complex as the WMD debate so I guess they'll just say. "They never found any."
But you never know...Seventy years from now, Dwayne, a small boy from just outside Basra in the United States of Iraq will be walking through the desert. He can see the casino lights in the distance. Ouch. He stubs his toe and looks down. A rusty canister pokes its rusty nose through the sand...
3. I just bought some sunflower seeds to munch on as recommended by poo analysts everywhere. They are horrible. Are there any known ways of making healthy things taste mildly pleasant?
4. Seinfeld scripts online. Use these to begin an Amateur Dramatics Society at your local mudhut. Mmmm...not a bad idea.
5. Fantastically my bosses at work have said, no you have far too much to do, let me take some of that burden from you...Only if you're sure it's alright I whimpered.
Round, round, getaround, I getaround...
6. My sister is off to India tomorrow morning. I have asked for some new shirts, a baby elephantini, a digitial camera and some authentic Bombay potatoes.
7. It's OK to change your mind now and again. Alex Salmond changes his mind and wants to be leader again, I can understand that. But to say Black Holes, no mate got that well wrong oh and by he way they do something else now and I've named it after me...pah who knows.
8. Things that are like jazz but aren't jazz; Quantum Physics, Economics, Local government spending plans
Do you have anything to add to the list which basically needs to conform to my definition of jazz (see below)
Jazz - Something that people claim to understand with unabounding certainty although any serious attempt to understand it by any structured or logical methodology fails at the first fence.
9. Ha just read this. Blunkett considers making brothels legal. That's the most useful thing he's done since he was appointed. Sorry, I do take the piss out of him but he must face a massive disadvantage as a politician since so much of what we communicate is actually visual. That said, I don't think he's the brightest spark in the box but he definitely comes across as someone who works his ass off. Still not voting for them tho'. And on the prostitution side of things, I wish the girls every success.
10. I'm not a fan of the Liberals but c'mon lets give 'em a go. What's the worst that could happen?
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