1. This is quite sad to say but I'm really getting into Big Brother. Why? It does get the balance right between contrived and real. So many reality TV shows go too far one way or the other. It's just entertainment like everything else folks. What's going on with that Stuart fella btw. He's beginning to dress v.strangely.
2. I have the munchies this morning. That Thai-Hawaiian cocktail packs a punch. I thought walking was funniest thing ever last night and I smelt all the roses on the way home to find the sweetest one. If I had been watching me I'd have called the police.
3. We were watching a program last night. It was like a magazine program. One chap had lost his wife, another woman was getting her legs measured, all very confusing. It was only when we saw the woman walking down the street, we realised it was a program about really tall people. I had a 'liaison' with a South African giant nurse the other year. She was about 6'3", I'm 5'9". I swear she had hands like shovels. I was reminded of when Gulliver travels to Brobdingnag and that giant nipple.
4. I do love Gulliver's Travels. You can read it here if you like. http://www.online-literature.com/swift/gulliver/
5. Traction saturday approaches with all the good will of a vengeance demon.
6. I wish you could just delete a verbal argument like that. You could literally take everything back that you said.
7. I've never really got to grips with whom am I when I am online. Online personalities are different to real ones. In text I can be overbearing, harsh, opinionated, random and pyschopathic. But in reality...I'm really quite...the same.
8. Swear too much? I know I do. I'm going to start some of these words instead. http://www3.sympatico.ca/brooksdr/haddock/main.htm/
My favourite is Slubberdegullions!
9. Watched Imagine last night on John Coltrane who gets added to my genius list forthwith. I had no idea that A Love Supreme matches up note for note with the poem that went alongside it. Amazing man. The programme on Hopper last week was also good.
10. There are lots and lots of great things on the Interweb. In no particular order, here are some of my favourites.
http://www.heavy.com/ fat connection required
Oh and try and spot the fake answer
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