
July 13, 2004

9th June 2004

1. Have this interview thingy at the University tomorrow for the Creative writing course. I have in fact been thinking about teaching it in the long term. It would seem I'm quite good at talking bollocks, so I figure why not get paid for it?

2. Zac the Incredible has ripped his dewclaw, not twisted his joint as was previously thought. I am coming to the conclusion that he is one hell of an actor either way.

3. On another dog related note, apparently I have started shouting at the dog in my sleep. I don't shout at the dog when I'm awake and have no real urge to, so that is baffling.

4. It's my old mum's birthday today. I bought her a bench for the patio. I was gonna get a plaque engraved for it saying something like Gillian Anne B____ 1943 - Present

I guess she wouldn't have found that funny.

5. Expect stomach ache when you don't eat fruit for ages and then binge like a hungry gorilla for an afternoon.

6. Saints have signed a new left back from Ajax, Jelle Van Damme for 2.5m . Excellent, he's 6'4 and a complete mentalist. Plus what a fantastic name.

7. There is no seven today.

8. I'm glad that the heat has retreated back over the hill. Normally I don't mind but when it creeps up on you like that...

9. There's a woman here at work who wears a 101 Dalmations blouse. WTF. She has a dog on each

10. Someone just came in the office looking for the Dean. A woman in the office shouted, "He's in the disabled toilet." Still at least you only get one chance to make a first impression. Thank you Mr Brent.

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