
July 13, 2004

Who is Dogfrog?

1. Dogfrog's real name is a perfectly good one. There are 42 people in the UK with his name. He has never met any of them but suspects that he will bludgeon their thin skulls with a toffee hammer if he does.

2. Dogfrog's blogs are simple 10 point entries but don't let this fool you.

3. Dogfrog has been know to lie.

4. You can mail Dogfrog and if you need a lie he'll come up with something suitable elaborate.

5. Dogfrog is a Southampton FC supporter. He will not be drawn into protracted disputes with Portsmuff devotees.

6. Dogfrog lives in the corner of a forest on a border with an unfashionable principality.

7. Dogfrog is a writer and occassional poet. You can find links to some of his work on this site.

8. Dogfrog does "work" but only so that he can write. This means he doesn't get paid alot so anyone who requires a paid house-sitter for their dojo in Martinique get in touch immediately.

9. Dogfrog believes that you can prove anything with facts, regardless of where you get them from or whether they are right or not.

10. As you can see Dogfrog created this some time ago and has been miserably shite at maintaining it. Dogfrog has however been keeping his journal at and he is now in the process of moving that journal to the DogFrogBlog. Enjoy the shameless ramblings and inane lies that spew forth from Dogfrog's petulant fingers and see if you can spot what is true and what is optional.

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