1. Yes it's a biblical time line and it co-incidentally it's the amount of time that this company takes to pay it's external suppliers. That's poor, especially for contractors who still need to get paid.
2. Things are calmer today, although I am waiting for the Director from hell to do his first presentation and I'm pretty sure he'll be a total cock about it. Who do these people think they are? Eh? Eh?
3. It's quite depressing to think I might not be working here for much longer. I can't imagine what it's gonna be like to go home and walk the dog for a living. Sigh.Although I've just had a conversation with someone who said, 'my guess is that you'll still be here in the Summer. Contractors never leave.' Hmmm, not sure about that.
4. Finally, I get to go to the States, I'm rather excited. I'm busy doing extra research on top of my researcher's research. I'm not convinced she's a proper researcher anyhow. *ducks*.
5. Well everything for the moment is going swimmingly, until the next disaster that is.
6. There is nothing funnier than an ecstatically happy German man although it does leave you wondering why he's so happy and why you find it funny.
7. Retail therapy, that's what I need. In particular a new red shirt.
8. Right I'm just burning time and energy. Blog off!
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