
February 19, 2008

We are where we are....

1. Well we are where we are. Nice isn't it? Six words that mean, yeah we've totally fucked up but what you gonna do about it? It absolves blame, mainly from yourself and your friends, it moves you on to the next action and into the 'lets learn from this' whilst you quietly ignore the issue and brush it under the rug. Genius.

2. I can't face another night of inactivity. Perhaps I'll go swimming in the Thames, drunk.

3. OMG I just went white when I realised I might have done something extremely career limiting, but I hadn't. It still might. I should keep notes.

4. I'm going to be so glad when this day is over. It's just one nightmare after another. Who'd be a project manager? You know people projects are the worst, give me a massive and unwieldy computer system to overhaul every time.

5. Apparently I've been holding it together alright. Thanks boss, just as I thought everything was about to cave in on my mooey.

6. Mountains, mole hills and treading carefully over them. Why did no-one give me these life instructions earlier damn you?

7. We can't come up with a decent name for the in-house magazine. All mine were rejected on the grounds of being too filthy or legally dubious. Any suggestions for whacky inhouse mobile phone mags, leave a comment.

8. I feel like I might have earnt my money today (for once, some might say).

9. I'm hungry I need something tasty.

10. It's 7pm. I'm going home. We are where we are.

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