
November 3, 2009

1. I guess it’s not too late to stump up the first blog post of the year. It’s only November.

2. Not only am I living in a new Underbelly, it’s a Royal Underbelly. If there’s dark deeds to be exposed then they have to be here right?

3. I now have an accomplice, Lola. We’re married she’s from another country altogether and she finds the new Underbelly every bit as weird and exciting as the last.

4. I’ve been encouraging Lola to write her own blog, Stupid England as these seem to be every sixth words out of her mouth. Lola’s current obsessions are finding the right kind of milk/cream to go in her coffee, black mould and CCTV (she’s probably being watched constantly.) Roundabouts are causing her much grief, despite driving over 300 of them on Sunday, Lola has no idea how they work and watching me drive doesn’t provide her with any worthwhile clues.

5. I’m to give a talk on a subject I know very little about next Monday to the Photographic Society. Given that I was as tongue tied as Harvey Price after 4 pints of cider last time, this might prove difficult. The more I think about it the more I think it’s a bad idea. The woman that asked me said she wanted me to talk about Commercial photography versus regular photography. My brain heard, ‘Talk shit for half an hour’. Lola beamed confidence and pride as always. I’m glad she’s one of life’s researchers.

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