
November 6, 2009

Pub Quizzical

1. It’s not the best feeling when everyone tells you that you were steaming the night before and you hadn’t really thought so at the time. I was just having a good time, plus I hadn’t eaten much, plus I was drinking wifebeater.

2. Unbelievably hungry today, I could eat a scabby horse. In fact I just might. Anyone got one?

3. Last night in the WindsorPublicHouse it was the pub quiz. We established that JP’s chosen specialist subject was ‘Which college did Elbow go to?’ The answer is Bury College. You can now challenge JP in his specialist subject since you know now as much as he does on the subject. This morning Lola’s job search promptly spewed up with a Resource Librarian at Bury College. Is it fate that I’m to be re-posted to Bury and more importantly, do they have a Guy Garvey Reading Room?

4. We came second in the pub quiz btw and we didn’t use iPhones as we later found out the winning team did. When you’re playing for £50 or more, this is quite frankly tantamount to embezzlement. Perhaps we’re being naïve and pub quizzes have turned into search engine competitions but if someone said, do you want to come down the pub and see who can find stuff on their iPhone the quickest, you say, no, but I’ll come down the pub, you nonce.

5. I’ve been working on my lecture on Monday night. So far I have three photographers lined up to talk about, Martin Parr, Gregory Crewdson and Jeurgen Teller. The more I research the subject, the more I realise this photography business is all bollocks really.

6. Lola thinks she's blind today, she should borrow some glasses from Councillor Eileen Kinnear.

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